Razor Syntax in Blazor

Razor is a syntax that is used for creating templates, primarily in web applications and specifically in Blazor. Templates feature a mixture of HMTL and C# code. C# is separated from HTML in Razor primarily by the use of the @ character.


Values and the result of expressions can be rendered inline by prefixing them with the @ symbol:

<p>The time is @DateTime.Now</p>
<p>The discount is @(grossPrice * .1)</p>

Statements can be placed in code blocks which start with @{ and end with }:

    var myInt = 1;
    var myString = "Hello world!";

Control of flow statements can be embedded within HTML by prefixing the C# keyword with the @ token:

@if (forecasts == null)

@foreach (var forecast in forecasts)

HTML tags must be matched inside and outside of the control of flow statements. If you want to render content that doesn't include any HTML, you have a couple of options. The first is to enclose the content in <text> tags:

@if (forecasts == null)

Alternatively, you can prefix each line of content with @:

@if (forecasts == null)

The <text> tags are preferred for multi-line content, or where it is necessary to work with unmatched HTML tags.

If you want to render the @ symbol, you need to escape it with another @ symbol:

<p>Email enquiries@@domain.com</p>

Comments can be included in markup or code blocks using standard HTML comment delimiters <!-- --> or the Razor specific comment delimiters @* *@:

    <!-- A comment -->
    @* Another comment *@

<!-- A comment -->
@* Another comment *@

Blazor Specifics

In Blazor components, the content of code blocks @{ ... } are included in the body of the component's BuildRenderTree method and evaluated/executed as part of that method.

Component members (fields, properties, methods etc) can be declared in a block that begins with @code { and ends with }. The content within the @code block is pure C#:

@code {
    string message { get; set; }
    void setMessage(){
        message = "Hello World";

In pre-release versions of Blazor, @functions was used to encapsulate blocks of C# code instead of @code. The @functions directive is still supported. You can include multiple @code and/or @functions blocks in a single Razor component.

Comments are not included in the rendered output of a Razor component, unlike Razor Pages, where comments placed in the HTML comment tags <!-- --> are rendered, regardless whether they are used in markup or within a code block.


Asa security measure, Razor output is HTML-encoded by default. Sometimes, you will want to render content as HTML. To do this, you cast the content to a MarkupString:

var html = "<p>This is a paragraph</p>";


You may need to do this, for example, to replace line breaks in data stored in a database with their HTML equivalents:

@(MarkupString)s.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />")

Razor Templates

Razor templates provide a way to define reusable snippets of UI comprising of both HTML and C# within a code block, such as the @code section. Razor templates are assigned to the RenderFragment delegate:

@code {
    RenderFragment time = @<p>@DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()</p>;

They are rendered within the component using the usual rendering syntax:


A second version of the RenderFragment delegate takes a generic parameter representing a type to be passed in to the template:

@code {
   RenderFragment<Book> bookDetails = (book) => @<div>
Last updated: 2/15/2023 9:03:19 AM

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